Scripture in Black and White

In this Podcast Hosted by Renew, Bobby Harrington and Anthony Walker discuss different topics in theology weekly. They dive into scripture and describe how oftentimes it is more black and white than people think.

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Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Circling back to marriage and the family hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington discuss the topic of marriage, divorce, and their implications according to the biblical view. They talk about the importance of upholding the sanctity of marriage, the concept of "easy divorce," and touch upon the impact of divorce on children, drawing from various passages from the bible. They encourage their listeners to turn back to scripture for guidance on marriage and to consider the consequences before considering divorce.
Key Takeaways 
00:16 Introduction and Overview
00:39 Revisiting the Topic of Marriage
01:06 Prayer and Introduction to the Discussion
02:37 The Importance and Sanctity of Marriage
04:23 The Decline of Marriage in Modern Society
08:48 The Benefits of Marriage and the Consequences of Divorce
13:39 The Role of the Church in Supporting Marriages
27:36 The Impact of Divorce on Children and Society
39:52 Closing Remarks and Preview of Next Session
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Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

In this informative discussion, Jay guides us through a comprehensive website filled with resources designed to aid families in their spiritual journeys. This website includes a variety of videos, music, and a specially designed book to assist in family discipleship. Jason Hauser illustrates the importance of casting a vision for faithful families and how the resources provided can simplify the process. The video emphasizes the significance of commitment and consistency in cultivating a culture of discipleship within families, ensuring children grow up with robust faith. There's also a mention of the upcoming launch for Real Life Theology Conversations specifically tailored for children between ages 9 and 16.
Check out the Real Life Theology Conversations Website on Family Discipleship: 
Key Takeaways 
00:00 Introducing Jay and His Work
00:28 The Importance of Family Discipleship
01:42 The Challenges of Discipling Children
02:01 The Strategy for Family Discipleship
02:17 Understanding the Development of a Child
05:47 The Role of Parents in Discipleship
06:55 The Importance of Systematic Discipleship
08:07 The Role of the Church in Family Discipleship
10:07 Launching Real Life Theology Conversations
13:17 The Role of Music in Discipleship
17:05 The Importance of Consistency in Discipleship
19:24 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Family Discipleship Resource: Real Life Theology Conversations    
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Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

In this engaging discussion, Jason Hauser of Seeds Family Worship explores the importance of family discipleship. He shares his experience of running a national ministry, and details his approach towards promoting scripture set to music, reaching over 80 million downloads with their contents. Jason then dives into the significant role parents play in children's spiritual development, highlighting some of the necessary conversations that should take place in homes. The discussion also covers the role of the church in equipping parents for discipleship, with an emphasis on scripture and fostering a culture of spiritual growth within family units./ 
Watch the Video
Key Takeaways 
00:00 Introduction and Background of Jason Hauser
00:59 The Importance of Family Discipleship
02:24 The Challenges Families Face in Today's Culture
02:53 The Role of Parents in Discipling Children
03:24 The Importance of Spiritual Conversations at Home
04:38 The Four Foundation Stones of Family Discipleship
07:50 The Role of the Church in Supporting Family Discipleship
08:02 Practical Strategies for Family Discipleship
10:00 The Power of Prayer in Family Discipleship
17:09 Closing Remarks and Prayer
20:58 The Impact of Seeds Family Worship Ministry
Family Discipleship Resource: Real Life Theology Conversations    
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering
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Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Join Bobby Harrington, Jay Austin, and Jason Houser in an interactive learning community as they discuss the importance of family discipleship, the role of the church in equipping families, and steps to create a culture of disciple-making. Hear how the Great Commission fuels disciple-making. Tune in as they also discuss tools for family discipleship, such as the Real Life Theology Conversations book and a website with free church and family tools.
Check out the Real Life Theology Conversations Website on Family Discipleship: 
Family Discipleship Resource: Real Life Theology Conversations    
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Introduction to Discipleship
01:53 The Role of the Lead Pastor in Family Discipleship
04:47 The Importance of Discipling Fathers
05:45 The Role of the Church in Family Discipleship
09:26 The Importance of Family Discipleship in the Church
12:15 The Role of the Senior Pastor in Family Discipleship
15:27 The Impact of Family Discipleship on the Church
21:42 Conclusion: The Primary Family Discipleship Minister
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering
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Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

"Parents play a critical role in discipling their children."
In this episode, Bobby and Anthony continue the discussion on disciplining our children. They emphasize the importance of balancing rules and relationships leading to right living, memorizing scripture, and regular church attendance. They also discuss teaching kids about Christian evidence and apologetics. They focus on Deuteronomy chapter six and Ephesians chapter six emphasizing the necessity of parents teaching their children about God's teachings, specifically instilling in them the importance of honoring their father and mother.
They strongly encourage the memorization of the scripture and parents modeling the teachings in their lives. They also talk about the significance of instilling love for the church in children from an early age. They offer practical parenting advice, like the importance of spending quality time with kids, supporting them in their activities, and the need for parents to have a broader vision of their children becoming future disciples of Jesus themselves.
Subscribe to hear more about this vital topic! 
Family Discipleship Resource: Real Life Theology Conversations    
Watch the Video
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Recap of Discipling Our Children in Scripture Part 1
00:51 The Importance of Discipling Our Kids
01:35 Understanding the New Testament Perspective
02:56 The Struggle with God's Commands
04:08 The Importance of Honor and Respect
07:15 Practical Application: Nurturing and Guiding
08:20 Understanding Different Learning Styles
09:24 The Importance of Relationship in Discipling
13:38 The Consequences of Different Parenting Approaches
17:11 Practical Tips for Building Relationship and Teaching Rules
20:15 The Importance of Church and Scripture Memorization
25:16 The Importance of Teaching Christian Evidences and Apologetics
35:59 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

Today Bobby Harrington shares with us a special message on the importance of discipling our children. He gives a personal testimony to his life as a dad, and a husband. He walks us through what God has taught him over the years.
Family Discipleship Resource: Real Life Theology Conversations    
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering
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Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

In this episode, hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington, discuss the themes of parenting and teaching their children about God's word. They emphasize the necessity of parents embodying and teaching the values of scripture in their homes, imparting these teachings to their children constantly in daily life. They discuss the role of parents as primary faith educators for their children, emphasizing the need for a genuine relationship with God. Utilizing Deuteronomy 6:4-9, they illustrate how to integrate faith teaching into daily life. Reflecting on their own experiences, Anthony and Bobby address societal perceptions of marriage, family, and challenges of parenting in the modern age. They also touch upon the concept of 'intentional relational transformation,' and share resources for faith-based parenting. 
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
02:05 The Decline of Childbearing in Modern Society
06:24 The Role of Children in Transforming the World
07:42 The Financial Challenges of Raising Children
11:39 The Importance of Teaching God's Commandments to Children
15:53 The Importance of Discipling Children in the Home
20:18 The Role of the Church in Supporting Parents
29:03 The Ultimate Goal of Parenting: Raising Faithful Disciples
34:11 Conclusion: The Most Important Job of a Parent
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Family Discipleship Resource: Real Life Theology Conversations    
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

On today’s episode of Scripture In Black and Whit Anthony Waker, Bobby Harrington and their guest, Joe Beam, discuss various aspects of marriage, trust, and intimacy from a Christian perspective, and how these relate to sexual satisfaction and fulfillment within marriage. Joe shares his insights on the importance of respectful conversation, the adverse effects of pornography, and the balance of intimacy, commitment, and passion. He mentions his organization, Marriage Helper (click link to visit their website), and the resources and workshops offered there for couples facing challenges in their marriages.
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Watch The Video
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction
05:09 Practical Application of Biblical Principles in Marriage
08:32 Understanding the Needs of Men and Women in Marriage
14:14 Exploring the Song of Songs and Its Implications for Marriage
19:54 The Role of Trust and Sensuality in Marriage
26:10 Real Life vs. Scriptural Interpretations
28:01 The Impact of Pornography on Relationships
37:19 Understanding the Different Aspects of Love
41:57 Introducing Marriage Helper
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024

In this episode Bobby and Anthony interview Renee Sproles, discussing her views on strengthening marriages, the role of wives in fostering family values, and her book "Male and Female: A Biblical Look at Gender." They discuss 25 ways a wife can be a strong help to her husband, emphasizing mutual respect, cooperation, spirituality, forgiveness, and commitment. The conversation touches on scriptural teachings about marriage, family, and gender roles, as well as practical interpretations of everyday issues. The discussion also includes the importance of discipleship and mentorship among women.
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To check out Renee’s book visit this link:
Watch the Video
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Introducing the Special Guest
03:54 Understanding the Role of Women as Helpers
10:22 The Role of Apology and Forgiveness in Marriage
25:13 The Importance of Praying for and with Your Spouse
30:21 The Power and Responsibility of Women in the Home
35:10 The Role of Women in Supporting their Husbands
48:48 The Importance of Trustworthiness and Dependability in Marriage
51:05 The Power of Discipleship Groups and Grace in Family Relationships
55:15 The Hope of Starting Over in Marriage
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024

In this episode from Season 2 they engage in an in-depth discussion on Ephesians 5. They also speak about the role of the husband as a spiritual and practical leader, giving 25 specific ways for men to be more like Jesus in their role as husbands. The conversation includes prayers, scripture readings, personal anecdotes, and an examination of key biblical concepts.
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Key Takeaways:
00:00 The Importance of Marriage in Scripture
05:52 The Challenges of Being a Godly Husband
15:28 Understanding and Respecting Your Wife
21:17 The Importance of Communication and Praise
26:53 Encouraging Personal Growth and Interests in Your Spouse
36:47 Creating Meaningful Family Traditions
38:03 Establishing Biblically Supportable Family Values
42:18 The Importance of Discipling Groups for Men
44:40 The Power of Starting Over
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering

Wednesday Jan 03, 2024

In this episode of Scripture in Black and White Season 2 Bobby and Anthony welcome their listeners and introduce their special guest, Guy Hammond. Hammond shares about his experience as a same-sex-attracted man, his journey to Christianity, his marriage despite his sexual attraction, and how he started his ministry, "Strength in Weakness", to help others going through similar experiences. He also gives advice to same-sex-attracted Christians and to parents of children who might identify as gay or transgender. At the end of the episode, they mention some upcoming resources for further help on this issue.
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For more information about Guy Hammond visit his website:
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:54 Introducing Special Guest: Guy Hammond
02:14 Guy Hammond's Personal Journey
05:16 Guy's Conversion and Life as a Christian
07:47 Strength in Weakness: Guy's Ministry
09:41 Navigating Same-Sex Attraction in Marriage
18:56 Supporting Same-Sex Attracted Individuals in Church
23:40 Understanding Same-Sex Attraction in Women
26:22 Navigating Same-Sex Attraction in Church Relationships
37:00 Advice for Parents of Same-Sex Attracted Children
44:44 Conclusion and Final Remarks
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering

Christmas Short

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023

From the Scripture in Black and White team we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We will kick things back off the first week of January!
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Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

In this episode, Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington continue the conversation on homosexuality and Scripture. They address various questions including stigmas around homosexuality, addressing it from a civil rights perspective, the misunderstanding related to homosexuality being genetic, the concept of homosexuality in biblical terms, and how to handle situations when homosexual individuals or couples come to their church. They emphasize their belief in following the teachings of Jesus, and the topic of homosexual marriage is debated in relation to God's design. They also touch upon supporting people who struggle with same-sex attractions.
Watch the Video:
Key Takeaways:
00:16 Introduction and Setting the Stage
01:37 Understanding the Difference Between Rights and What is Right
04:33 Addressing the Question of Homosexual Marriage
06:08 The Struggles of Leaving a Homosexual Lifestyle
10:05 Debating the Genetic Aspect of Homosexuality
16:33 How the Church Can Help Those Struggling with Same-Sex Attraction
21:19 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

This episode of the podcast discusses various aspects of the Christian perspective on homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington, emphasize their commitment to following the teachings of Jesus as their fundamental guiding principle. They argue that Scripture is clear on the issue of homosexuality, citing passages from the Old and New Testaments that label homosexual behavior as sexual immorality.
Watch the Video
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
01:41 Challenging Cultural Perceptions of Homosexuality
03:36 Ten Questions on Homosexuality and the Church
08:47 The Importance of Love, Humility, and Holiness
18:20 The Story of Sodom and Gomorrah: A Biblical Perspective
22:38 Understanding God's Perspective on Sin
27:10 Understanding the Natural Order
28:01 The Consequences of Rejecting God's Teachings
31:45 The Cultural Shift Towards Acceptance of Homosexuality
36:26 The Misinterpretation of First Corinthians Chapter Six
42:30 Jesus's Stance on Homosexuality
51:20 The Importance of Upholding God's Law
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

In this episode of Scripture in Black and White, Bobby Harrington and Anthony Walker, discuss the topic of gender identity, gender dysphoria, and transgenderism. They explore the biblical perspective on these issues, emphasizing the importance of living according to truth and God's design. They discuss the importance of grace and truth in addressing these sensitive topics. Bobby and Anthony encourage a commitment to living by truth and maintaining biblical principles while being compassionate and understanding toward those who may be struggling with gender dysphoria.
Watch the Video:
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:39 Understanding Gender Identity and Dysphoria
01:31 The Role of Love in Christian Perspective
03:06 Defining Love in the Context of Grace and Truth
03:57 Personal Experiences with Gender Dysphoria
05:20 Exploring the Definition and Traits of Gender Dysphoria
12:21 The Biblical Perspective on Sex and Gender
15:36 The Impact of Cultural Shifts on Gender Perception
17:50 Biblical Teachings on Gender Identity
29:22 Addressing Questions and Concerns about Gender Pronouns
37:44 Conclusion: Encouragement and Final Thoughts
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

In this podcast episode of Scripture in Black and white we feature a conversation with special guest Nancy Pearcey, an author and professor at Houston Christian University. The discussion revolves around the topic of masculinity, gender roles, and the role of the church. In this episode we highlight the need for the church to support men, address misconceptions about masculinity, and encourage a more balanced understanding of gender roles. For more information about Nancy Pearcey visit her website
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Watch the Video
Key Takeaways: 
00:00 Introduction and Guest Presentation
03:52 Exploring Sociological Studies on Christian Men
10:41 Understanding the Impact of Cultural Christianity
23:44 Unpacking the Origins of Toxic Masculinity
29:45 Feminization of the Workplace and the Role of Fathers
31:36 The Importance of the Christlike Head of the Home
37:02 The Role of Fathers in Shaping Men and Society
48:31 The Christian Perspective on Body, Mind, and Spirit Integration
50:36 Final Thoughts and Resources
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

In this episode, hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington discuss the tensions between men and women in marriage. They reference scripture, focusing particularly on Genesis chapter 3, to provide context and guidance for this topic. They explore the creation story and the historical perspective of tensions in marriage, including the challenges with passivity, overly aggressive behavior, and responsibilities in a relationship. They also preview the upcoming discussion in the next episode regarding toxic masculinity.
This podcast is hosted by the Network, visit to learn more! 
Watch the Video:
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Introduction and Overview
00:52 Understanding the Tensions in Marriage
03:31 The Consequences of Adam and Eve's Actions
09:11 Understanding the Struggles of Men and Women in Marriage
15:00 The Role of Men in the Family and Society
17:36 The Role of Women in the Family and Society
20:45 The Impact of Disappointment in Marriages
31:14 The Need for Christlike Men in Society 34:04 Conclusion and Preview of Next Episode
Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023

Join Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington as they kick off Season 2 of Scripture in Black in White – Marriage and the Family. In this episode, Bobby and Anthony engage the audience with stories of their life growing up, along with a conversation about what God’s desire is for marriage.
This podcast is hosted by the Network, visit to learn more! 
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Wednesday Nov 01, 2023

Season 2 of Scripture in Black and White is just around the Corner, join us in this episode for a recap of the first season. 
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Season 1 Recap - Finale

Wednesday May 31, 2023

Wednesday May 31, 2023

In this episode of Scripture in Black and White, Bobby and Anthony recap Season 1 of Scripture in Black and White. They review the main teachings of season 1, describing multiple important theological topics that were discussed this season.  Share your favorite episode or lesson in the chat!
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Join us this April at our 2024 Courageous Renewal Gathering



Our era is a time of tribalistic ethics, tech anxiety, class envy, and “owning” the opposition as if they were trophies. In such a time, disciples of Jesus can’t afford to let the surrounding cultures box the Christian faith into a preset, predictable mold. We are disciples of a creative, courageous King. The gospel of King Jesus renews everything it reaches, starting with us and moving outward into all creation. Our courageous King rescued and redeemed us, and he invites us to participate in his courageous renewal of all things.



Other Renew.Org Podcasts



Step Into Scripture 

Tina Wilson, author of Step into Scripture, develops Biblical literacy by exploring the nature of God, the centrality of Christ, the context and purpose of biblical texts, and shadow—fulfillment connections within the Bible. Learn more about her book and speaking engagements at




Real Life Theology Podcast

We renew the teachings of Jesus to fuel disciple making. We envision disciple-making disciples among all nations and ethnic groups. The Network Podcast champions all biblical truth, including hard topics, by sharing discussions, webinars, public presentations and other similar resources.


Disciple People Using the Teachings of Jesus.

Podcast Episodes


Bobby Harrington



Bobby is the point-leader of and, both collaborative, disciple-making organizations. He is the founding and lead pastor of Harpeth Christian Church (by the Harpeth River, just outside of Nashville, TN). He has an M.A.R. and an M.Div. from Harding School of Theology and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of more than 10 books on discipleship, including Discipleshift (with Jim Putman and Robert Coleman), The Disciple Maker’s Handbook(with Josh Patrick) and Becoming a Disciple Maker: The Pursuit of Level 5 Disciple Making(with Greg Weins). He lives in the greater Nashville area with his wife and near his children and grandchildren


Join Bobby Harrington this April at's Courageous Renewal Gathering



Anthony Walker



Anthony Walker has been preaching the gospel for 20 years. He has been actively involved in the church as a song leader, youth worker, preacher, and any other role God calls him. He attended Lipscomb University in pursuit of an Art Education Degree. For 12 years, he has been the full-time minister of the Highway 231 Church of Christ in Murfreesboro, TN. He and his wife Jenny are the proud parents of 2 young children: a son, Remington, and a daughter, Reign.


Join Anthony Walker this April at's Courageous Renewal Gathering


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